Business advice from my sticker collection

Star Castle Studio provides artful entrepreneurs and makers with tips and custom-created visuals needed to beautifully run a professionally branded business and make an unforgettable impression online.

My obsession with stickers

I love to collect a large number of things, and recently I rediscovered my massive sticker collection deep in the back of my office closet. I have all sorts of cute stickers of every shape & size, just sitting in my alphabetized storage bin just gathering dust. I’ve been storing these stickers and organizing them forever and they've been become this ‘precious thing’ that I never used.

So last week, I was playing in my office with my little one and I decided to break out my collection to let her play (since they’re literally just sitting there). I figured it was better to let her use them and get some joy out of them, than to just keep them shut away in my closet not doing what they were made to do.

tips for online entrepreneurship

Waiting can hurt

When I took them out, I quickly realized they didn't stick anymore! 😲They had sat in a box, shut away for so long that they had lost the ability to do what they were made to do! This made me think about how much of a waste it was and how the same ‘sit on it too long’ mentality can lead to similar loss of purpose and success in business.

A lot of passionate creative keep their ideas to themselves, for fear of how it will be perceived, what people will think, and/or fear of failing. But if you don't put it out there, it can never be enjoyed.

It can be quite a hurdle for creatives to let an idea out and finally breathe life into it. Making anything worthwhile can be a challenge, but please remember that just sitting on ideas doesn't benefit anyone, least of all you. Don’t allow the fear of failure or rejection stop you from sharing what you have to offer. By sitting on your dream too long, you may miss your window of opportunity. Your idea may no longer be relevant, or worse, someone else may have beat you to the punch!

Make it happen

Holding onto a dream project can put you in a negative head space when it comes to your confidence as a creator. It is important to push your work out there, and even if it fails, learn from your failures. Dreams can’t possibly flourish when they’re just sitting somewhere, hidden away. You have to look at what you have to offer as a starting point, full of possibilities and just dive in! By sitting on a dream, you may also find yourself losing inspiration or excitement about it. When you capitalize on your inspiration, it’s much easier to find success!

The project that you may be assuming no one wants might be the exact thing the market, or your particular niche is looking for! So what if it isn’t an immediate success? That should simply lead you back to the drawing board to see what part of that project needs work. Everything requires fine-tuning, but you’ll never be able to see these potential points of growth without starting somewhere.

Get the right people in your corner and MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Tomorrow, you’ll wish you had started yesterday

Imagine where your dream would be today, if you had started years ago! You’d have already worked past the initial hurdles and pushed through potential pitfalls. The beginning may be messy, and while you may not start off exactly where/how you’d like, at least you’d be starting! Don’t miss your window of opportunity!!

Imagine if Da Vincci never put his invention notes to use. We may never have gotten around to helicopters! What if Galileo never spoke out about his research concerning the earth and the sun? We may never know about our world's place in our solar system or the universe! Now, we can't all be Da Vinci or Galileo, but your dreams and ideas made real can only help you and others move forward. You’d be doing a disservice to the world to not share what you have to offer!

Now to start

It’s important to remember that this dream is yours to cultivate, nurture and grow. Letting something go to waste out of worry of failing shouldn't hold you back. Ideas can’t make anything happen unless you act on them!

So ‘stick something down’ that you've been holding on to before it’s too late to use!

Have you been sitting on an idea for too long?

I built my bite-sized branding process just for you!


If you're ready to debut your dream with confidence, choose & book your start date so we can get you all set up that same week!